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Caught in a lightning storm

It started out a warm sunny morning as I headed down the Boy Scout trail in Joshua Tree National Park. The forecast was for afternoon monsoons so I brought my rain gear with I thought. I wasn't two miles down the trail when I realized I had left my rain gear sitting on the front seat of my car. There were only a few puffy white clouds so I figured I'd be fine. I hiked for about seven miles, taking a side trail off the main trail and ended up overlooking the city of Joshua Tree. I looked around the area and found the skull of a young Big Horn Ram. I looked for the rest of the remains and found none which made me wonder if this guy had been the victim of a mountain lion. I had hiked down a little ways and couldn't see the sky behind me and decided to check the weather since I had cell reception. The radar showed that rain was developing to the south so I decided to head back. When I got back to the top of the ridge I could see a small dark grey cloud in the distance. As I started hiking I could tell the cloud was quickly growing and moving towards me. I had seven miles to cover so I knew I was gonna get caught. I was able to cover about four miles before the rain came. At first it was just a slow steady rain, so I took cover under a large Joshua Tree thinking that it would soon pass. But the storm continued to intensify and when that first bolt of lightning struck I knew I shouldn't be under a tree so I rain over to a boulder pile and found an overhang that barely sheltered me from the rain. By this time the rain was intense, coming down faster than the ground could absorb it, making the desert floor look like a lake. As there rain began to let up but I could see another band of showers heading my way. I was pretty wet by this time and decided to walk in the rain back to my car. My hat was soaked and the brim was hanging down in my eyes. As I passed a huge rock outcropping I could hear a waterfall inside the rocks and there was a large stream flowing out from under the rocks. Something I never thought I would see in Joshua Tree.

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