Photos Lie!!!

Photos Lie, and I'm not talking about all of the manipulation and compositing that goes on nowadays with digital photography. I'm talking about photos like the one above. I love it for the feeling of tranquility that it has. Truth is it was anything but tranquil that day. I arrived at the park around noon and set up camp before heading out on the hike I had planned. I was a little irritated because I had loaned out my good tent and it hadn't been returned yet so I had to use a cheap tent that I had bought for my daughters so that they could camp out in the back yard.I then set out for a spot called Willow Hole that's off the Boy Scout trail. Shortly after setting out, the wind started picking up and by the time I reached the Willow Hole area the wind was howling! So strong that I couldn't let go of my camera and tripod or it would blow over. But yet this photo looks so calm and tranquil. What I found interesting was that the trees make a sound of their own as the high winds blew through the blade like leaves of the Joshua tree. You could here wind gusts blowing through the trees in the distance as the gusts made their way to where I was. I made it back to camp shortly before sunset exhausted from the long hike and battling the winds only to find the tent I had set up earlier torn to shreds by the wind. The fiberglass poles had snapped shredding the fabric in the high winds. All I could do is laugh and pull up the tent and toss it in the dumpster and head home.