Coyote ate my camera bag

Last year, I took off to Joshua Tree with a few friends to camp out and do some photos of the night sky. I got an early start and was successful in claiming my favorite site in the park. Campsite #34 in Hidden Valley Campground. My friends showed up around sundown and we sat around having dinner and drinking a few beers. After it was dark enough we headed out into the Joshua Trees with our cameras and tripods and started taking pictures. Normally, I would take my camera bag with me wherever I go but since we were maybe 100 feet from camp I just left it there leaning up against a rock. After an hour or so I headed back to camp to get something. As I got close I could see something was wrong. My camera bag was gone. My first thought was that I had been robbed but as I got closer I could see the bag was about 15 feet from where I'd left it covered in dirt and there were these black things all around it. As I entered camp I could tell that the black things were actually pieces of my camera bag. Turns out a coyote came into camp and ransacked everything including left over dinner that was on the table. I had left a couple of energy bars in the side pocket of my bag which the coyote tore open and ate. After that he chewed off or damaged every strap on the bag. It's like the weirdest thing ever. Someone said he might have been after the salt residue from my sweat.Totally ruined it. Whatever the reason, it was a $250 camera bag ruined! The next morning I decided to take a photo of the bag to post on Instagram and while I was doing that I spotted the coyote lurking in the bushes next to our campsite. I'd still be really pissed at the coyote except that when I posted the photos on Instagram I decided to message through Instagram LowePro asking if their warranty covered coyote damage. I did it as a joke just to get some laughs out of my mishap! To my surprise they responded "Omg! They said: "So sorry to see that. Let me see what we can do." Not only did they replace it, they replaced it with a better one. Customer service doesn't get any better than that!!!